BizPaL pode ser seu amigo
Começar um negócio no Canadá?
BizPaL quer ser seu amigo.
Apesar de seu nome brega, this online service simplifies the process of applying for business licenses and permits em muitas partes do Canadá.
De acordo com o BizPaL website, which was created by the federal department Indústria do Canadá, it’s “a web-based service that allows business clients to easily generate a customized list of the permits and licenses they require from all levels of government.”
A lista de participating BizPaL communities includes municipalities large and small in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Terra Nova e Labrador, Territórios do Noroeste, Nova Scotia, Ontário, Saskatchewan, and the Yukon.
Fotografia © Carolyn B. Heller.