Comer local em Edmonton
Procurando local de alimentos na área de Edmonton?
Whether you’re attempting to follow the 100-mile diet, or you’re just trying to find food that’s fresh and in season, confira Eat Local First.
It’s a network of farms, lojas, and restaurants in the Edmonton area that produce and prepare local food products.
Local food sources include restaurants like the first-rate Culina e o funky Blue Plate Diner, growers such as Verduras, Ovos & Presunto (a local family farm), microbrewer Alley Kat, even Alberta’s only organic-fruit cottage winery, en Santé.
Even when it seems like summer — with its easy-to-find local bounty — will never come, você pode encontrar comida local no Eat Local First website.
Fotografia © Carolyn B. Heller