O que os canadenses expat mais sente falta em casa
Por que mudar para o Canadá?
De acordo com uma recente New York Times artigo, here’s what expat Canadians living in the U.S. miss the most about their north-of-the-border life:
There is no contest about what I miss most about Canada. É universal medical coverage. Just thinking about it, e sua ausência aqui, can send me into complete despair. - Autor David Rakoff
What I miss most about Canada is getting the truth about the United States. - Autor Malcolm Gladwell
Living just south of the border, em Upstate New York, I have easy, regular access to the non-pasteurized cheese, veggie pâté and late nights of my hometown, Montreal. Mas é o mosaico canadense, which is fundamentally different from the American melting pot, that I treasure most. — Musician Melissa Auf der Maur
Leia mais em “Our True North” da New York Times.
Fotografia © Carolyn B. Heller