Canadá ocupa a quarta posição em qualidade de vida em todo o mundo
Canada ranks fourth in overall quality of life entre 182 of the world’s countries, de acordo com a United Nations Development Programme’s 2009 Relatório de Desenvolvimento Humano (HDR).
Apenas a Noruega, Austrália, and Iceland ranked higher on the quality of life index.
The UN report considered life expectancy, school enrollment and literacy, and each country’s gross domestic product.
A expectativa de vida para bebês nascidos no Canadá agora encabeça 80 anos. (Estime sua própria expectativa de vida usando Canadian Business magazine’s “When will I die?” life expectancy calculator.)
O topo 10 countries are:
A EUA. classificado #13.
O estudo também constatou que, although the number of immigrants living in Canada pales in contrast to the number of immigrants in the U.S. — over 6 million immigrants in Canada compared to nearly 40 million in the U.S. — Canada’s population actually has a higher percentage of immigrants. Grosseiramente 20 percent of Canadians were born outside the country, while immigrants make up approximately 13 percent of the U.S. população.
And the worst-ranking countries? Mali, República Centro-Africano, Serra Leoa, Afeganistão, and Niger.
Photo Albert Alan ©