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What’s new in Vancouver real estate?

Submetido por em Julho 8, 2010 – 12:52 pmUm comentário

Planning a house-hunting trip to Vancouver? Many potential buyers from China are, também:

Mainland Chinese interest in Metro Vancouver property is so strong that it’s fuelling a market for real estate tourism, with groups of wealthy travellers scheduling visits to the city for the sole purpose of house hunting.

That’s according to a recent Vancôver Sun artigo, que informou que “China’s burgeoning wealthy class has been a dominant presence in Metro Vancouver’s high-end property market for some time….:”

Even without specific tours, Tom Gradečak, proprietário do Westside Tom Gradecak Realty, disse sobre 80 percent of showings for his westside Vancouver listings are to Chinese buyers, and the majority of sales are within that demographic.

“Quando [preços] are getting over $2.5 million to $3 milhões, then predominantly that’s our market,” Gradecak said. “Sobre [$4 million to $6 milhões], they’re almost the entire market.

A New York Times recently featured a condo in the Gastown neighborhood in its Imóveis Internacional: House Hunting in coluna.

Embora Vancouver remains Canada’s most expensive city to buy a home, if you don’t have a multimillion dollar housing budget, você pode querer saber que the summer real estate market in Vancouver started slow but steady, de acordo com a Câmara de Imóveis da Grande Vancouver (REBGV).

The number of sales in June 2010 diminuiu 30 por cento, compared with June 2009’s near record sales levels, mas prices continued to rise.

Durante o ano passado, Multiple Listing Service (MLS) benchmark price for all Greater Vancouver residential properties increased por mais do que 11 por cento, a partir de $518,855 em Junho 2009 para $580,237 este junho.

For current real estate listings in Greater Vancouver, visita E for more resources for relocating to Vancouver, ver o nosso Início 10 Places to Live/Vancouver.

Vancouver Foto © Carolyn B. Heller

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