A saga saco Canadá-EUA Frito-Lay fichas
Os canadenses estão mais preocupados com o meio ambiente que os seus vizinhos ao sul da fronteira?
Here’s the story:
gigante dos alimentos Snack Frito-Lay introduziu um novo compostable chip bag no Canadá e os EUA. made from plant-based materials that decompose quickly.
The problem? As bolsas são realmente barulhentos.
So according to this Vancôver Sun artigo, “Chips de sacos demasiado barulhentos para os EUA, mas um sucesso no Canadá,” the company received so many complaints from American customers that pararam utilizando os novos sacos nos Estados Unidos.
No Canadá, embora, Frito-Lay is promoting the bags’ eco-friendliness, and apparently their strategy is working.
“Just put them in a bowl,†suggests Bonnie Bowers Wilson of Campbellford, Ter. em um recente Toronto Star artigo:
“I live in a noisy household. I have the television on, um Jack Russell barulhento e três gatos. I don’t understand the concern about the noise.â€
Ela acha que Canadians are more willing to make changes for the environment than Americans.
The company has even created a YouTube video for the Canadian market, bem como um Canadense Página, touting the bags’ environmental goodness.
In my experience, Canadians do pride themselves on their environmental awareness, e many Canadian cities are frequently lauded for their green policies (veja “Onde está o mundo do alto eco-cidade?“).
E quanto a você? Do you think the compostable chips bags are too noisy? Or is it worth it for the environment? Deixe um comentário e deixe-nos saber.
And a note to our readers from the U.K.: we’re talking about batatas fritas — a.k.a. batatas fritas — not the fried potatoes you eat with fish!
Dom foto por chips cogdogblog (Flickr)
I personally think we use way to many packages!
I wouldn’t care about how noisy a bout is. Does that make me a true Canadian?
@ Zhu, I think it does!