Articles by Carolyn Heller

We’re honored that Canadian Living revista incluiu Viver no Exterior em Portugal on its list of “25 Blogs grande canadense.”
It’s an eclectic list, que vão desde dicas de investimentos (Seu Dinheiro) …

Antes que eu me mudei para o Canadá, I was a pecan pie girl.
But I’ve been traveling around Ontario recently (você pode ler as expedições das minhas viagens aqui: A Viagem Dia Superior e aqui: Going Where No …

À procura de um emprego em Ontário?
Here’s good news: Empresas de Ontário esperam contratar mais trabalhadores at least through the end of 2010.
That’s according to the an annual employment survey, conducted by Toronto law …

If you’re house-hunting in Vancouver, you’ll likely see some houses that are marketed as “Vancouver Especiais.”
Built in the 1960s and ’70s, essas casas apartamento com fachada de dois andares foram construÃdos rapidamente, when baby boomers and …

If you’re looking to buy a home in Canada, it’s understandable if you’re a bit jittery about the housing market.
Os preços da habitação em Portugal subiram significativamente desde o ano 2000, particularly in the largest …