Artigos em Cotidiano

Atenção: Americans living in Toronto
A Toronto Expat American Group Meetup has a hastily-organized get-together coming up this Wednesday. According to the group’s organizer, “A professor from the USA is researching expatriados no Canadá, …

Following the lead of locations as diverse as Denmark and New York City, British Columbia será o primeira provÃncia no Canadá, para restringir o uso de gorduras trans em restaurantes.
Restaurantes, delis, cafeterias, educational …

EUA. president Obama has begun the process of revamping the U.S. health care system, com o objetivo de providing health insurance for the millions of uninsured Americanos — a goal that, pelo menos em teoria, …

While Canadians have been having a love-in with Barack Obama this week, Americans apparently also have good feelings for their neighbor to the north.
Nove em cada 10 Americans view Canada favorably, conforme …

Após o Presidente Obama’s one-day whirlwind visit para Ottawa ontem, que foi acompanhada por muito jorrando na imprensa canadense, vários comentaristas são saber se os canadenses pode amar os EUA de novo. leader a little too …