Artigos em Imigração

So you’ve been in Canada for a while, and you’re now planning to solicitar a cidadania canadense. Here’s how:
1. Confirm that you’re eligible to apply.
Você deve ter pelo menos 18 anos …

Se você adivinhou Toronto, you wouldn’t be wrong.
A Toronto metropolitan area, with a regional population of more than 5 milhões, é o lar de cerca de 2.3 million people who were born outside of Canada.
Mas …

Canada has redesigned its permanent resident card, the wallet-sized plastic card that provides proof of permanent resident status.
According to an announcement from Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the card was redesigned to add several …

Transitions Abroad magazine has reviewed my book, Viver no Exterior em Portugal!
And they recommend it:
Para qualquer pessoa interessada em viver no Canadá, "Viver no Exterior em Portugal"É a well-researched and practical companion …

The Government of Canada recently announced a new program to encourage immigrants — particularly entrepreneurs — to settle in the Northwest Territories.
Programa Provincial Nominee NovaSob a Northwest Territories novo Programa Provincial Nominee, …