Os artigos marcados com: economia

Menos vendas de casas, preços mais baixos, and declining housing starts are in the forecast for the remainder of 2009, according to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s (CMHC) second quarter Housing Market Outlook report.
Assim se …

“Você pode pagar o seu paÃs de sonho?”
That’s the question the U.K.’s Telégrafo newspaper posed to potential British expats considering relocating to the U.S., Canadá, ou na Europa.
According to research by the company Foreign Currency Direct, …

Canadá — coming soon to a channel near you!
The Canadian government “has hired two former White House spokesmen to pitch Canada’s image to major American media outlets,” de acordo com a Globe and Mail:…

“Welcome to the he-cession,” wrote the Globe and Mail recentemente, citing employment statistics indicating that — at least for now — o growing recession no Canadá é affecting men more than women.…

Canada’s major cities typically score highly in “best city” rankings. Vancouver is frequently named among the top cities in the world to live, and Toronto also ranks high on many “best of” scales.
Mas o …