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Жизнь в Канаде…an experience that permanently changes most American expats

Permanent resident cardDespite its rather inflammatory title, Опасность! A Nation of Socialists Lurks Just Across Our Border!, это произведение Билл Манн В Huffington Post actually contains some thoughtful commentary about the experiences of Americans living in Canada.

“Жизнь в Канаде,” he writes, “is an experience that permanently changes most American expats.

Comparing life in the United States versus Canada, он говорит, “There are significant differences in our two countries, и there’s a whole lot we can learn from our more civilized and less materialistic northern neighbors.”

Среди его мысли:

Одна главная вещь вы узнаете есть что a bit of socialism, properly applied, benefits everyoneand makes for a better society. И in the current health-care debate, we could learn a lot from our closest neighbors, хотя, как обычно, we probably won’t.

(It’s also sure as hell nice to live in a safe place without handguns. But we’ll save that for another day).

По иронии судьбы, это стало труднее этой неделе, чтобы войти в U.S. из Канады. Паспорта или усиливается I.D. теперь обязаны.

That’s absurd. If anything, это должно быть наоборот. Ведь, WE’RE the loud, gun-owning types living downstairs who could know or care less about their neighbors. And who don’t have medical insurance….

Читать полную эссе на Huffington Post.

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