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World Naked велопробег: Streaking through a city near you

nakedbikeÐ’ июне прошлого года, I happened to be walking across Vancouver’s Granville Island, when a parade passed bya whooping, shrieking, cheering procession of bicyclists, all in various states of undress.

Some were sporting bras and panties, others were topless, and many were wearing only riotously colorful body paint. One rider was nude except for a pair of elbow-length gloves, and many cyclists were simplynaked.

I had unwittingly crossed paths with the World Naked велопробег.

If you’re in Ванкувер, Торонто, Оттава, Виктория, или Галифакс июня 13, Ð’Ñ‹, слишком, может пересекались с этими голыми велосипедистов. This year’s naked cycle takes place on June 13 в десятках городов по всему Северному полушарию

What’s the purpose of riding naked? The World Naked велопробег organizers say it’s tostop indecent exposure to vehicle emissions” и “to celebrate cycling and the human body. The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road and is a protest against oil dependency.”

Whether or not you support the objectives of the naked cyclists, or whether you’d consider taking part yourself, one question you may ask is: Is it legal to ride a bike naked in Canada?

Согласно Федерация канадских натуристов, Canadian womenand menare allowed to be topless in public places. И Торонто Голая велопробег люди говорят,, “The Crown has acknowledged that participating in an orderly event naked is not illegal, so long as you are wearing something, таких как обувь.”


Ð’ любом случае, if you prefer to be naked on the sand than in the saddle, two of Canada’s best-known nude beaches are Wreck Beach в Ванкувере и Hanlan’s Point Beach в Торонто. Just don’t forget the sunblock.

Photo by One-Fat-Man (Flickr)

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