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Новые требования канадских виз для мексиканских граждан

mexicanaMexican citizens now need a visa to visit Canada, as new Canadian visa requirements take effect this week.

If you’re a Mexican national planning a trip to Canadawhether to go to school, to scout out potential relocation opportunities, or simply to travelÐ’Ñ‹ должны сначала apply for a Temporary Resident Visa через Посольство Канады в Мехико.

Гражданства и иммиграции Канады (CIC) has created an FAQ section on its website with more information about the new visa requirements.

По an announcement from Citizenship, Иммиграция и министр Мультикультурализм Джейсон Кенни, the new visa requirements are the result of a huge increase in the number of Mexicans applying for refugee status in Canada:

Претензии беженцев из Мексики почти в три раза с 2005, making it the number one source country for claims. В 2008, более 9,400 claims filed in Canada came from Mexican nationals, representing 25 процентов всех требований, полученных. Of the Mexican claims reviewed and finalized in 2008 по вопросам иммиграции и беженцев, an independent administrative tribunal, только 11 процентов были приняты.

“In addition to creating significant delays and spiraling new costs in our refugee program, the sheer volume of these claims is undermining our ability to help people fleeing real persecution,", Сказал министр Кенни. "Слишком часто, people who really need Canada’s protection find themselves in a long line, waiting for months and sometimes years to have their claims heard. Это неприемлемо.

“The visa requirement I am announcing will give us a greater ability to manage the flow of people into Canada and verify bona fides. By taking this important step towards reducing the burden on our refugee system, we will be better equipped to process genuine refugee claims faster.”

Mexican travelers, and the Canadian tourism industry, are understandably unhappy about the decision, как this article from the Canadian press отчеты.

More background information about the new visa requirement is available from Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Photo by abdallahh (Flickr)

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