Переезд в Канаду? РаÑÑмотрим Ñти шеÑÑ‚ÑŒ топ городов
“Калгари (Ðльберта), Ватерлоо (Онтарио), Оттава (ON), Ванкувер (До н.Ñ.), Санкт-. ДжонÑе (Ðьюфаундленд и Лабрадор), и Ричмонд Хилл (ON) have what migrants are looking for when choosing where to locate.”
That’s according to a recent Conference Board report analyzing the appeal of various Canadian cities.
Here are the details on these six “A list” municipalities:
- Калгари’s strong economic results come as no surprise given its performance over the past decade, но город также занимает первый в облаÑти инноваций и second in Housing.
- Ватерлоо’s worldwide reputation for high-tech excellence in education and business is well deserved. Оценка number-one in Education, Ватерлоо также опубликовала Ñильные результаты в Ñкономике, Инновации и дома.
- Оттава reaps the benefits of a strong and well-educated public sector. The nation’s capital выделÑетÑÑ Ð² облаÑти инноваций и образованиÑ, и, кроме здравоохранениÑ, оценки также через вÑе категории.
- Ричмонд Хилл, a fast-growing city north of Toronto, Ñтала second most diverse city in Canada. A well-educated workforce contributes to its high scores in the Education and Innovation categories.
- Ванкувер пользуетÑÑ enviable climate and a vibrancy that comes from its молодой, разнообразны, and multicultural population.
- Санкт-. ДжонÑе has achieved a strong productivity level that even surpasses that of Calgary and Edmonton. It is also a stellar performer in Health and Environment категории.
The next tier of cities includes Toronto — Canada’s largest metropolitan area — as well as a number of other Ontario municipalities: МаркхÑм, Vaughan, Kingston, Оквиль, Гвельфов, Лондон, и Burlington.
Also on the “B list” are Edmonton (AB), Ð’Ð¸ÐºÑ‚Ð¾Ñ€Ð¸Ñ (До н.Ñ.), Ð“Ð°Ð»Ð¸Ñ„Ð°ÐºÑ (NS), Regina (SK), Québec City and the neighboring community of Lévis (QC).
The full city report — Город Магниты II: Бенчмаркинг привлекательноÑÑ‚ÑŒ 50 КанадÑкие города — is available from the Conference Board’s e-library Ð´Ð»Ñ $225, but you can read a detailed summary from the Conference Board или в данном Ð“Ð»Ð¾Ð±ÑƒÑ & Почта ÑÑ‚Ð°Ñ‚ÑŒÑ — both free.
Calgary skyline photo ©Carolyn B. Хеллер