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Переезд в Канаду в 2011?

Передано Сними свою обувь 3, 2011 – 9:57 я9 Comments

Moving to CanadaWhat’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions this year?

Является “Переместить в Канадеat the top of your list?

If you’ve been thinking about relocating to Canada, you’ve come to the right place.

We’ve got information about planning a move to Canada, от organizing a research trip в figuring out the immigration paperwork for living and working here.

У нас есть советы по лучших 10 места, чтобы жить в Canada (плюс еще на best locations for newcomers).

Мы можем помочь вам узнать больше о жизни в Оттава, Квебек, Ванкувер, Торонто, Монреаль, и many other locations.

Помочь вам организовать здравоохранение coverage и научиться navigate the Canadian health care system. Крюк вас с ресурсами для finding a job, a place to live, или школы для детей.

We’ve even got suggestions for the Лучшие места на пенсию в Канаде.

And we’ve got dozens of articles about Канадская культура и повседневная жизнь чтобы помочь вам познакомиться с Канадой или поможет вам настроить, как только вы прибыли.

Переезд в Канаду в 2011? Happy New Year — and welcome!

Шампанское фото на e_calamar (Flickr)


  • Francesco говорит:

    hello everyone,
    how are you?
    I need a very good help to move to Canada.
    I been there in 2008 2009 with work-holiday visa which expired after 6 месяцев.
    I really want to move there and work like I did when I was there.
    Here in Italy is so hard to get a job and a good one, so I would like to go where there is meritocracy and people appreciate how I work and how I amCANADA
    I am a good worker and very honest guy.
    I really don’t want come there and find the shortcut to stay, so please HELP ME!
    I love Canada and canadian people, so, if somebody could help me, send me a message.
    Also could to be nice if somebody knows immigration consultants.
    Thank you for now

  • abdulaziz говорит:

    please help me to work in canada any salary any city,,

    thank you

  • ashish mishra говорит:

    help me

  • ange говорит:

    I am a canadian, but I’m having a hard time getting fair and unbiased opinions from other about which provinces are in good shape.

    I want to know just howbadit is right now. I am being told things, but it seems a bit over-exaggerated sometimes, and I don’t know who to believe. I came from BC originally, but i want to go backI wasnt living on my own before, so now, the big questions like health/medical, jobs and living are a more important matter to mebefore, I was covered in family health and such, and things got supported….but now, like I said, it is going to be different than before…………and I have a fulltime job where I am right now, so, I want to know just what are the risksand if anyone can answer them with something that isn’t bitter, I’d appreciate it.

    • Brian говорит:

      Its only as bad as you make it. Trying to have only one career path is a huge mistake. The days of working for one company forever and retiring are long over and will never return. Its up to you to have the skills that are marketable at any given time. People are looking for people to do things for them. Get really good at a few and you are set for life.

  • Tweets that mention Moving to Canada in 2011? | Проживающих за рубежом в Канаде -- Topsy.com говорит:

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Carolyn B. Хеллер, Каролин B. Хеллер. Каролин B. Heller said: Is "Move to Canada" one of your New Year's resolutions? Lots of resources for would-be Canadians: http://bit.ly/hSeNic #expat #canada […]