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InterNations позволяет подключать экспатов в Канаде

Передано июня 20, 2011 – 9:00 вечераНет Комментарий

InterNations Expat Event OttawaСегодня, we have a guest post from Inter Наций, an online social network for expats and immigrants:

With a growing economy and an annual intake of over 200,000 immigrants, Canada welcomes expatriates.

Однако, due to the country’s size and diversity, it can be challenging for newcomers to decide куда двигаться. And as with relocating to any foreign country, it can be difficult to connect with people who’ve gone through a similar adjustment to new surroundings and a new culture.

Вот где the online social network Inter Наций может помочь.

Цель InterNations »является assist expats in finding other like-minded people, preferably also expats, в своем новом "дом вдали от дома". С более 277,000 active members in more than 250 Сообщества по всему миру, InterNations offers forums for expats to exchange information and organizes Events so that expats can make personal connections as well.

In this increasingly digital world, many members find these Events especially valuable. По meeting up with other expats, you can share funny anecdotes, sort out language mishaps, find out which supermarkets offer fresher produce, and most importantly have someone to lean on when you feel lonely and miss home.

InterNations Expat Event MontrealС 2008, InterNations принимала события ranging from bar evenings and brunches, to concerts, snow-tubing, and everything in between. InterNations appoints at least one Ambassador in each Community who organizes these Events, invites all the Community members, and makes sure that members feel comfortable and have fun.

“The monthly events are such a great idea!” says one delighted member. “Not only do I look forward to checking out another new location in Toronto, but I meet a new interesting person every time I go to an event!"С 2,046 members in the Toronto Community, новые лица появляются регулярно.

The InterNations Канада сообщество теперь включает в себя группы в Монреале, Оттава, Торонто, Ванкувер, и Калгари, с 4,899 members nationwide. And this number continues to grow!

InterNations takes its members’ privacy very seriously, and membership is granted by invitation only. As InterNations caters mainly to expats in professional fields, many members not only make friends, but work out business partnerships as welл.

InterNations members can also sign up as Local Scouts for their area to share their special knowledge of the city or of a hobby, such as history, Виктория Харбор, biking, музеи, cuisine, или ночная жизнь. Если вы только что приехали в Монреале, Но что, если вы едете в Канаду на работу?, and would like to find good Indian restaurants, you can see if a Local Scout for Montréal can help. Или, if you enjoy biking and would like to get to know other expats who share your passion, you may become a Local Scout for biking in your city. Просто еще один способ, что InterNations может помочь вам приспособиться к вашей новой канадской сообщества!

Чтобы apply for a free InterNations membership или узнать больше, визит InterNations.org.

InterNations Expat Event MontrealInterNations is hosting a социальное событие в Торонто в эту пятницу, Июнь 24, 2011 в 8 p.m. в Королевский музей Онтарио. К InterNations.org для более подробной информации.


Photos courtesy of InterNations.

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