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Вы эмигрант из Техаса или американский Юг?

Передано июля 19, 2011 – 2:59 вечера2 Comments

Hot SummerВы пришли в Онтарио из Техаса or somewhere else in the American South? CBC хочет поговорить с вами:

Привет Там,

I’m contacting you from the CBC here in Toronto. We’re looking to interview an American expat кто жил в Техасе (somewhere in the deep south) who can talk to us about surviving this kind of heat in a news story we’re working on for tomorrow night’s show.

If they’re living in Toronto and would like to chat with us, пожалуйста, напишите мне письмо с этой информацией!

Any help would be appreciated! Благодаря!

Если вы можете помочь Клэр из, or if you know someone she should speak with, please e-mail her directly at roberts.clairea [в] gmail.com.

Hot summer photo by tarrytown (Flickr)


  • Рут говорит:

    One more little thing. The first night I met my soon to be Canadian father in law he read me a poem aloud. I’ve always loved him for itthe poem was? “The Cremation of Sam McGhee” Конечно!

    “С, I left Plum Tree down in Tennessee, it’s the first time I’ve been warm.

    I think of that often. 🙂

  • Рут говорит:

    Well, I’m an expat from the U.S. south Tennessee, Georgia and Oklahoma but, I’m not in Toronto. I don’t find it hot here at ALL. lol. So there’s really nosurvivingto it. When I’m visiting the south most of the people I know have a pool! It’s not nearly as common here for people to have backyard in ground pools. Также, REAL iced tea is very, very refreshing. The canned stuff, not so much. Why do you think iced tea is so popular down there! Canadians make wonderful hot tea with rituals involved like little clothes for the tea pots, warming the cups and pots just so. It makes delicious tea. But if it’s cold…хорошо, they will drink kool aide in a can. Make the cold tea as delicious as the hot! It truly does especially the unsweet variety, quench your thirst and cool you off.

    Outside of those two things Canadians already do everything we do in the south during heatwaves. Swim, drink lemonaide and water, find the shade or stay in air conditioning. Most of all though, enjoy the summer because before long we’ll all be talking about how to survive the latest snow storm.