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Канада #1 Выбор для Expat родителей

Передано в Октябре 15, 2012 – 8:27 яНет Комментарий

Boy playing soccerХотите поднять своих детей за рубежом? Here’s a new reason to consider living in Canada.

В 2012 Опрос HSBC Expat Explorer,, Canada was the top choice among expat parents.

The country scored particularly well for its активный, outdoor lifestyle, which benefits both children and their parents.

Among expat parents living in Canada:

40% сказал, что their kids spend more time outdoors чем они сделали в своих странах.

45% Сообщалось, что their children spend more time playing sports.

25% из parents themselves lead a more active lifestyle in Canada than they did in their former countries.

Канада также забил хорошо для его excellent healthcare, high levels of personal security, and generally healthier diet.

Expat kids in Canada benefit from better integration into the community, слишком. Among those surveyed, 62% of expats in Canada said that it was a friendly country, и 70% said that they felt well-integrated into their new Canadian communities.

Еще одно недавнее исследование показало, что immigrant stu­dents in Canada are even more suc­cess­ful in school than stu­dents who are native-​​born. Canadian immigrant students do particularly well in math and science and are more likely to go on to post-secondary education.

Есть дети? Приезжайте в Канаде!

Фото martha_chapa95 (Flickr)

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