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Фтор в воде: Сравнивая Канаду, США, Великобритани, и Австралия

Передано в Октябре 29, 2012 – 7:42 яНет Комментарий

Water glassMy daughter came back from the dentist the other day and reported that Vancouver does not fluoridate its water system.

Выросший в США, where water fluoridation is quite routine, I was surprised to learn of this fluoride policy.

I discovered that, according to Health Canada, менее половины канадцев (примерно 45 процентов) receive fluoridated water.

Хотя Health Canada supports water fluoridation как способ уменьшить разрушение зубов, the decision to fluoridate water is a local one in Canada.

Торонто, Гамильтон, Лондон, and Edmonton are among the cities with fluoridated water. Water is not fluoridated in Vancouver, Виктория, Монреаль, или Квебек. Calgary previously fluoridated the city water, но its city council voted in 2011 to discontinue the practice.

В патенте США N, более 70 percent of Americansor more than 204 million peopleon community water systems have fluoridated water.

The percentage is even higher in Australia, где approximately 90 percent of the population receives fluoridated water.

Великобритани, like many European countries, has taken the opposite approach. Менее 10 процентов Великобритании. residents have fluoride added to their water supply.

One of the many unexpected things you learn when you move to a new country!

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