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Articles by Carolyn Heller

От Шотландии в Канаду
Октябрь 14, 2009 – 7:20 я | Комментарии отключены на От Шотландии в Канаду
От Шотландии в Канаду

It took me a while to feel Canadian,” writes Gael Melville in a recent Глобус & Почта essay, describing her experience as an expat who relocated to Toronto from her native Scotland.

Она …

Почему благодарения в октябре?
Октябрь 12, 2009 – 7:01 я | Комментарии отключены на Почему благодарения в октябре?
Почему благодарения в октябре?

Сегодня — Понедельник, Октябрь 12, 2009 — is the Thanksgiving holiday in Canada.

Canadians celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday roughly six weeks earlier than Americans do. И U.S. эмигранты всегда спрашивают, “Why?"

Here’s an excerpt from

Canada’s largest Oktoberfest
Октябрь 9, 2009 – 7:35 я | Комментарии отключены на Canada’s largest Oktoberfest
Canada’s largest Oktoberfest

If you live outside of Canada and you’ve heard of Kitchener-Waterloo, it might be because of Research in Motion.

No offense to Kitchener-Waterloo, but this Ontario region’s most famous product is much better known than

Buying a home in Quebec’s Eastern Townships
Октябрь 7, 2009 – 7:25 я | Комментарии отключены на Buying a home in Quebec’s Eastern Townships
Buying a home in Quebec’s Eastern Townships

The New York Times recently featured a дом на продажу near the village of Knowlton in the Quebec region known as the Eastern Townships.

Согласно Времена статья, “The housing stock in the Eastern

Canadian university guarantees graduates a job
Октябрь 5, 2009 – 7:10 я | Комментарии отключены на Canadian university guarantees graduates a job
Canadian university guarantees graduates a job

The University of Regina in Saskatchewan is offering prospective students a unique guarantee:

If you don’t find acareer-oriented jobwithin six months of graduation, the school will give you a scholarship to cover another