Articles by Carolyn Heller

Immigrant students in Canada are more successful in school than students who are native-born.
A story in today’s Ð“Ð»Ð¾Ð±ÑƒÑ & Почта reports that newcomers to Canada “post stronger scores on standardized math and science tests …

Где лучшие меÑта Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð¶Ð¸Ð²Ð°Ð½Ð¸Ñ Ð² Канаде?
The MoneySense 2012 Лучшие меÑта, чтобы жить survey оценивалоÑÑŒ 190 Canadian communities with at least 10,000 residents, comparing 22 different factors such as weather, incomes and …

“ÐкономичеÑкие беды в U.S. are driving Americans across the northern border in near-record numbers as they seek better job opportunities and cheaper education in Canada.”
That’s according to a recent CTV News report, …

Канадцы дейÑтвительно хорошие, чем американцы?
Это вопрос, который USA Today writer Jayne Clark asked recently. И ее вывод?
After spending a week in Atlantic Canada and outlining three instances where she experienced “the …

A 92-year-old Ontario woman, who immigrated to Canada in 1947, наконец became a citizen в Ñтом меÑÑце, the Ð“Ð»Ð¾Ð±ÑƒÑ & Почта Ñообщил:
Ð”Ð»Ñ Ð±Ð¾Ð»ÐµÐµ 64 лет, British-born Cynthia England has called Canada home: She’s …