Статьи с тегом: Ðльберта

С 2010 Winter Olympics in full swing, people around the planet are getting a good look at the host city, Ванкувер.
И еÑли вы думаете, it looks like a pretty good place to live…

If you’ll be visiting Vancouver during the 2010 Зимние игры, you can use this opportunity to learn more about living and working in many different parts of Canada.
Visit the “houses” that many …

A major benefit of living in Canada is access to the country’s generally well-regarded health care system.
Yet one of the challenges for newcomers relocating to Canada is finding your way through the health care …

Groundhog Day may not be an official holiday in Canada, but the country does have several groundhogs who forecast the weather every year on February 2nd.
According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow …

“Калгари (Ðльберта), Ватерлоо (Онтарио), Оттава (ON), Ванкувер (До н.Ñ.), Санкт-. ДжонÑе (Ðьюфаундленд и Лабрадор), and Richmond Hill (ON) have what migrants are looking for when choosing where to locate.”
That’s according to a recent Conference Board …