Статьи с тегом: Ðдмонтон

Зеленые Ðапитки is not usually a group that gathers to drink green beer. Ðо на St. Patrick’s Day in some Canadian cities, ваш напиток может быть зелеными, как ваши политики.
Founded in the UK …

Perhaps it’s no surprise that Toronto, Монреаль, and Vancouver rank as Canada’s top three largest metropolitan areas.
But recent stats from Statistics Canada show that Calgary has overtaken the national capital, Оттава, as Number 4.…

“Калгари (Ðльберта), Ватерлоо (Онтарио), Оттава (ON), Ванкувер (До н.Ñ.), Санкт-. ДжонÑе (Ðьюфаундленд и Лабрадор), and Richmond Hill (ON) have what migrants are looking for when choosing where to locate.”
That’s according to a recent Conference Board …

Does Canada’s citizenship test require that you “ski a black run, gallop a horse, catch a fish, drive a tractor, skate in a hockey match and chop down a cedar?”
Ð, нет.
But as Jo …

Хотите meet entrepreneurs and other cool people in your new Canadian community?
Meetup.com is a good place to start. They’ve got entrepreneur groups in many major Canadian cities:
Ванкувер Предприниматели Meetup Группа
Greater …