Статьи с тегом: Ñмигранта

If you’re thinking of immigrating to Toronto, or if you’ve recently arrived, a great resource is the Город Торонто иммиграции & Урегулирование Портал.
It can help you with questions large and …

Attention Americans and Brits in Toronto: it’s time to meet up with fellow expats.
Both the Toronto Expat American Meetup Group and the Toronto Expat Brit Meetup Group are hosting events this week.
Получил ваше …

New to Canada and looking for work?
Check out Mediacorp Canada’s list of the 2010 Лучшие работодатели Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ñ… канадцев.
Among the industries well-represented on this “best employers” list are banking and financial services, …

Planning to settle in Quebec?
Quebec’s immigration ministry — known as the Ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés Culturelles (MICC) — offers a free guide for newcomers and potential immigrants: Узнав о Квебеке.…

If you’re looking for work, поÑмотрите на Ðовой Шотландии.
According to the Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, the province is currently seeking to attract 3,600 new immigrants a year.
That may seem like …