Статьи с тегом: живет в Канаде

If you’re new to Canada or if you’re thinking of settling here, you’re not alone.
More than half a million newcomers — permanent residents, temporary workers, and foreign students — came to live in Canada …

Most newcomers to Canada settle in the country’s largest urban areas: Торонто, Ванкувер, and Montreal.
Yet according to the MoneySense 2010 Лучшие меÑта, чтобы жить Давлениеи — which rated 179 Canadian cities and towns …

Vancouver-based social media exec Rochelle Grayson — an expat who’s lived in Germany and the U.S. as well as in Canada — recently blogged about what she called “Ванкувера ОÑпаривание Ð”ÐµÐ»Ð¾Ð²Ð°Ñ Ñреда.”
Она …

If you’re thinking of immigrating to Toronto, or if you’ve recently arrived, a great resource is the Город Торонто иммиграции & Урегулирование Портал.
It can help you with questions large and …

Attention Americans and Brits in Toronto: it’s time to meet up with fellow expats.
Both the Toronto Expat American Meetup Group and the Toronto Expat Brit Meetup Group are hosting events this week.
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