Статьи с тегом: Оттава

New to Canada and looking for work?
Check out Mediacorp Canada’s list of the 2010 Лучшие работодатели Ð´Ð»Ñ Ð½Ð¾Ð²Ñ‹Ñ… канадцев.
Among the industries well-represented on this “best employers” list are banking and financial services, …

Good news for job-hunters, business owners, и инвеÑторы в Канаде:
The economies of all Canada’s major cities are expected to grow в 2010, according to a new report from the Conference Board of Canada.
Ðто …

When you’re new in town, networking events become a lifeline — for job contacts, business opportunities, and just making friends.
If you’re a high-tech entrepreneur in Canada, there’s a networking group just for you: Startup …

Зеленые Ðапитки is not usually a group that gathers to drink green beer. Ðо на St. Patrick’s Day in some Canadian cities, ваш напиток может быть зелеными, как ваши политики.
Founded in the UK …

Perhaps it’s no surprise that Toronto, Монреаль, and Vancouver rank as Canada’s top three largest metropolitan areas.
But recent stats from Statistics Canada show that Calgary has overtaken the national capital, Оттава, as Number 4.…