Статьи с тегом: Ватерлоо

Зеленые Ðапитки is not usually a group that gathers to drink green beer. Ðо на St. Patrick’s Day in some Canadian cities, ваш напиток может быть зелеными, как ваши политики.
Founded in the UK …

“Калгари (Ðльберта), Ватерлоо (Онтарио), Оттава (ON), Ванкувер (До н.Ñ.), Санкт-. ДжонÑе (Ðьюфаундленд и Лабрадор), and Richmond Hill (ON) have what migrants are looking for when choosing where to locate.”
That’s according to a recent Conference Board …

Хотите meet entrepreneurs and other cool people in your new Canadian community?
Meetup.com is a good place to start. They’ve got entrepreneur groups in many major Canadian cities:
Ванкувер Предприниматели Meetup Группа
Greater …

Где Лучшие меÑта, чтобы работать в Канаде?
Ðа прошлой неделе, we blogged about Canada’s top 25 family-friendly employers. Ðа Ñтой неделе, we’re bringing you the entire list of Canada’s top 100 employers по вÑей Ñтране.
От …

If you live outside of Canada and you’ve heard of Kitchener-Waterloo, it might be because of Research in Motion.
No offense to Kitchener-Waterloo, but this Ontario region’s most famous product is much better known than …