Articles tagged with: British Columbia

Does Canada’s citizenship test require that you “ski a black run, gallop a horse, catch a fish, drive a tractor, skate in a hockey match and chop down a cedar?”
Uh, no.
But as Jo …

Want to meet entrepreneurs and other cool people in your new Canadian community? is a good place to start. They’ve got entrepreneur groups in many major Canadian cities:
Vancouver Entrepreneurs Meetup Group
Greater …

Drivers in British Columbia and Saskatchewan are no longer allowed to use hand-held cell phones while driving.
Both provinces enacted new laws — effective January 1, 2010 — that sharply restrict drivers’ use of …

If you work in digital media, here are three quick guides to the movers and shakers in Canada’s digital media industry (all courtesy of
Digital Media People to Watch in Ontario in 2010
Digital …

Vancouverites have a well-deserved reputation for being active and outdoorsy.
If you’d like to join them but don’t want to go it alone, have a look at the City of Vancouver’s Active Events Calendar.
It …