Articles tagged with: Culture

Do you know enough about Canadian history and government to pass the Canadian citizenship test?
Or are you (at least) smarter than the average Canadian 10th grader?
A group of Grade 10 students recently challenged …

Are Canadians really nicer than Americans?
That’s the question that USA Today writer Jayne Clark asked recently. And her conclusion?
After spending a week in Atlantic Canada and outlining three instances where she experienced “the …

Where are the best places to live in Canada?
Every year, MoneySense magazine weighs in on the best-places-to-live question, and this year was no exception.
The MoneySense 2011 Best Places to Live survey rated 180 …

Did you hear that cheering sound? That was the American expat community in Canada greeting the news that U.S. retailer Target is entering the Canadian market.
Target is purchasing most of HBC’s Zellers chain, and …

What’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions this year?
Is “Move to Canada” at the top of your list?
If you’ve been thinking about relocating to Canada, you’ve come to the right …