Articles tagged with: Daily Life

The first Monday in August is a holiday in many regions of Canada.
It’s part of the three days of summer relaxation known as the “August Long Weekend.”
If you’re in British Columbia, …

All-Bran is All-Bran, right?
If you regularly eat a cereal like Kellogg’s All-Bran in the U.S., you’d assume that that cereal would taste the same in Canada.
Not according to a recent study by the …

Move over, Mexico. Step aside, Hawaii.
If you’re looking for one of North America’s Top 10 sexiest beaches, look in Canada.
Yes, Canada.
Forbes Traveler recently published a list of the Top 10 sexiest …

If you’re a bicyclist who’s getting acquainted with Vancouver, you may already have found the city’s helpful Cycling in Vancouver website, which lists bike routes around town.
But what if you’re trying to figure …

Avid travelers Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil bill themselves as Canada’s adventure couple. They recently took time out from their adventures to blog about unique Canadian words and phrases.
Have you heard of the Double …