Articles tagged with: economy

Thinking about moving to Nova Scotia?
Nova Scotia announced a new immigration strategy that aims to double the number of immigrants entering the province each year by 2020.
The new strategy, which the provincial government …

Where are the best places to live in Canada?
Every year, MoneySense magazine weighs in on the best-places-to-live question, and this year was no exception.
The MoneySense 2011 Best Places to Live survey rated 180 …

If you’re living in Canada and planning a trip outside the country, do you consider flying from an airport in the United States?
If so, you’re not alone.
A recent Globe & Mail article, “An …

Did you hear that cheering sound? That was the American expat community in Canada greeting the news that U.S. retailer Target is entering the Canadian market.
Target is purchasing most of HBC’s Zellers chain, and …

This week, we’ve been reporting on the Vancouver real estate market with our posts “Vancouver real estate: Bubble or not?” and “Want to live in Vancouver? Here’s how.”
We don’t mean …