Articles tagged with: environment

Groundhog Day may not be an official holiday in Canada, but the country does have several groundhogs who forecast the weather every year on February 2nd.
According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow …

Where do Canadian cars go to die?
No, it’s not the setup for a joke. When your old car has lived out its useful life, a green choice is to send it to Canada’s “Car …

If you’re concerned about food in North America and you’re in Vancouver, you’ll have no dilemma about what to do this Saturday, June 6: Head for the UBC Farm.
Author Michael Pollan, who …

In honor of Earth Day, Corporate Knights magazine has released a “report card” measuring the “green rating” for each of Canada’s provinces and territories.
British Columbia ranked highest with a score of 69% — …

St. Patrick’s Day seems like a good time to promote an organization called Green Drinks, which is not a group that gathers to drink green beer. Rather, it’s an opportunity to meet — and …