Articles tagged with: events

If you’ll be visiting Vancouver during the 2010 Winter Games, you can use this opportunity to learn more about living and working in many different parts of Canada.
Visit the “houses” that many …

At the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver and Whistler, which open this Friday, February 12, the action isn’t all on the snow or ice.
The region is also hosting the 2010 Cultural Olympiad — a …

Thinking about relocating to British Columbia?
Coming to Vancouver this month?
With thousands of visitors traveling to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics, the government of British Columbia is hoping to use the Games to …

Groundhog Day may not be an official holiday in Canada, but the country does have several groundhogs who forecast the weather every year on February 2nd.
According to legend, if the groundhog sees his shadow …

Want to meet entrepreneurs and other cool people in your new Canadian community? is a good place to start. They’ve got entrepreneur groups in many major Canadian cities:
Vancouver Entrepreneurs Meetup Group
Greater …