Articles tagged with: events

Today is Labour Day in Canada. Banks, post offices, government offices, schools, and many businesses across the country are closed today.
Celebrated annually on the first Monday in September, Labour Day is essentially the …

Former U.S. president Bill Clinton will speak in Toronto on Saturday, August 29 at 4 pm, during the annual Canadian National Exhibition.
Clinton will address the masses at BMO Field, which has a seating capacity …

If you’ve recently relocated from the U.S. to Toronto and want to connect with other Americans, check out the Toronto Expat American Meetup Group.
The group’s next get-together is Tuesday, July 21 at 7 pm. …

It’s time for the Calgary Stampede!
Billing itself as “The Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth,” this year’s Stampede is taking over Calgary until July 12th.
If you’re a newcomer settling into Calgary, don’t plan on …

Happy Canada Day!
July 1st is the day that Canadians celebrate the anniversary of “Confederation” — the date that the country was first established on July 1st, 1867. Although Confederation took place in 1867, there …