Articles tagged with: food

In honor of American Thanksgiving Day, Canadian Living magazine has posted a quiz: How do Canadian Thanksgiving feasts differ from American Thanksgivings?
I’ve found that the meals themselves are fairly similar — turkey, stuffing, gravy, …

Are Canadians more concerned about the environment than their neighbors south of the border?
Here’s the story:
Snack food giant Frito-Lay introduced a new compostable chip bag in both Canada and the U.S. made from …

We’re honored that Canadian Living magazine has included Living Abroad in Canada on its list of “25 Great Canadian Blogs.”
It’s an eclectic list, ranging from investment tips (Your Money) …

Before I moved to Canada, I was a pecan pie girl.
But I’ve been traveling around Ontario recently (you can read dispatches from my travels here: A Superior Travel Day and here: Going Where No …

The Canadian media seems to take a perverse pride in pointing out how Americans are ignorant of, or at least oblivious to, Canadian culture.
A recent video feature in the Globe & Mail — …