Articles tagged with: health

When you’re thinking about where to retire, are you thinking about Canada?
Canada may not come to mind as readily as, say, Mexico, Costa Rica, or the south of France, but plenty of people do …

Is it cheaper to live in the U.S. or Canada? And which country offers a better quality of life?
A recent Investopia post, U.S. Or Canada: Which Country Is Best To Call Home?, considered a …

My daughter came back from the dentist the other day and reported that Vancouver does not fluoridate its water system.
Having grown up in the United States, where water fluoridation is quite routine, I …

What’s on your list of New Year’s resolutions this year?
Is “Move to Canada” at the top of your list?
If you’ve been thinking about relocating to Canada, you’ve come to the right …

If you’re thinking of immigrating to Toronto, or if you’ve recently arrived, a great resource is the City of Toronto Immigration & Settlement Portal.
It can help you with questions large and …