Articles tagged with: language

“It took me a while to feel Canadian,” writes Gael Melville in a recent Globe & Mail essay, describing her experience as an expat who relocated to Toronto from her native Scotland.
She …

Avid travelers Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil bill themselves as Canada’s adventure couple. They recently took time out from their adventures to blog about unique Canadian words and phrases.
Have you heard of the Double …

Check out this interview with me over at Jungle Red Writers.
Fellow writer and good friend Hallie Ephron recently talked with me about living in Canada, travel writing, and where I’d set the …

Just in time for final exam season, here’s a useful Canadian expression. Our British and Australian readers may be familiar with this phrase, but it was one I never heard in the U.S.
If …

From the Toronto Star:
A toque-wearing Canuck eating poutine is as iconic as a Parisian in a beret nibbling a croissant.
Need a translation?…