Articles tagged with: Montreal

As an American who has lived in Canada for several years, I don’t find myself missing that much about the U.S.
I do miss my family and friends. Good Mexican food now and then. And …

In the November 23rd issue of the New Yorker magazine, Calvin Trillin writes about “what may be, for better or worse, Canada’s national dish.”
He’s talking about poutine, a Quebecois creation of French …

If you’re relocating with small children, you’ve got to worry about a lot of gear. Cribs. Car seats. Strollers. High chairs.
But if you’re living somewhere temporarily or if you’ve arrived ahead of your moving …

Jet-lagged in Toronto? Or just want an intensive all-night introduction to the city’s art scene?
Then check out Scotiabank Nuit Blanche Toronto, a dusk-to-dawn celebration of contemporary art.
With 500 artists involved in more …

When you move to a new country, you need to learn about that country’s heroes. In Canada, one of those larger-than-life icons is Terry Fox.
Born in Manitoba and raised in British Columbia, Fox …