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性感 — for a Canadian

提交 二月 3, 2009 – 10:04 关于没有评论

ph_inv_michael_ignatieff该 纽约时报 本周异形 迈克尔伊格纳季耶夫, the new leader of Canada’s Liberal Party. 他可能没有奥巴马的魅力, 但他并 have a Facebook group. 除此之外,

Although the clauses “for a Canadian” or, 现在, “for a politician” are often attached, people almost always describe Mr. Ignatieff as glamorous. Maclean的 杂志 once named him Canada’s “Sexiest Cerebral Man.”

Ignatieff, who was born in Toronto, has taught at Harvard, hosted programs for the BBC, penned essays for the 纽约客, and written 16 书籍. And for the past several years, he’s been back in Canada.

先生. Ignatieff shocked friends and colleagues three years ago by chucking the life of the mind for the hurly-burly of politics and returning, after a long exile, to his native country to win a seat in Parliament. And if he was bored, it wasn’t for long. Last December, after a tumultuous fortnight of machinations in parliament, 先生. Ignatieff, 61, became the leader of the opposition Liberal Party, which has been called Canada’s “natural ruling party” and has been in power for much of the last century.

Should his party win control of the government, something it came close to doing last week and still hopes to in the coming months, he would become the next prime minister of Canada.

有趣的是, MacClean’s writer John Geddes questioned the source of theSexiest Cerebral Manquote, blogging inWho called Ignatieff our ‘Sexiest Cerebral Man’?that the magazine “…can’t find any electronic record of having described him in those three words.It sounds clever, 虽然…

And for a much more detailed take on the man who would be prime minister, 看看这个 环球邮报 feature.
