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倒计时 2010

提交 二月 12, 2009 – 8:27 关于没有评论

Photo ©Carolyn B. Heller从今天起的一年, 二月 12, 2010, 的 2010 冬季奥运会 在不列颠哥伦比亚省开.

该 温哥华市 published the following schedule of celebratory events happening today in Vancouver and Whistler, 主办城市的冬季奥运会:

惠斯勒村广场, 8 a.m.: 温哥华揭幕 2010 奥运火炬 and torchbearer uniforms.

主斯特拉斯科小学, 温哥华, 10 上午.: 温哥华市长格雷戈尔·罗伯逊 plays floor hockey with Olympic athletes, mascots and students.

Richmond Speed-Skating Oval, 5 下午.: 省长金宝尔 and International Olympic Committee president Jacques Rogge invite athletes from around the world.

伊丽莎白女王剧院, 温哥华, 7:30 下午.: Olympic countdown concert headlined by 莎拉克劳克兰.

And in case you haven’t been following the hype in Canada about the upcoming Olympics, çš„ 温哥华太阳报 has the background story:

The competition will begin at Whistler Olympic Park on Feb. 12, 2010, with ski jumping the only event scheduled for the first day. The opening ceremonies will officially mark the start of the Games later that evening at the 60,000-seat BC Place Stadium.

By the time the Olympic flame is extinguished on Feb. 28, 关于 5,000 athletes from about 80 countries will have competed in 16 体育.

有关更多细节 2010 奥运, 访问 Vancouver2010.com.

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒
