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提交 二月 13, 2009 – 10:36 关于没有评论

vancouverfireworks902817172_d0a9bfcb7a像许多美国人一样, 我们 didn’t give Canada much thoughtuntil, 亦即, 我们决定搬到这里. And looking back from north of the border, we became aware of howwhen the U.S. media mentions Canada at allit’s often in a “å“Ž, 看看这些礼貌, beer-drinking, hockey-playing folksway.

In anticipation of President Obama’s upcoming visit to Canada 二月 19, è¿™ CNN.com article seems to be saying not justlook at Canada,” 但 “Canada is our neighbormaybe we should pay attention.A novel idea!

President Obama’s first foreign visit will be to Canada on February 19.

美国人, can you name the capital of Canada or its Prime Minister? Name three major news stories in Canada. 曲棍球不算数.

好, 我会帮你出: automobiles, 阿富汗和能源.

的答案, 阅读 rest of the column.

照片由乔恩·罗林森 (Flickr的)
