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提交 二月 19, 2009 – 10:17 关于没有评论

photo by Jurvetson (flickr)You’d think it was a new national holiday 今天在加拿大.

但没有, the occasion is simply 美国. President Obama’s first international visit to Canada’s capital, 渥太华.

There’s plenty of hoopla in the Canadian media, 包括 环球邮报, çš„ 国家邮报, å’Œ CBCæ–°é—», 在许多其他.

The CBC has put together an especially interesting feature from its archives 关于 past visits to Canada by American presidents, from Franklin Roosevelt to George W. Bush.

Among the highlights — 约翰·F·. Kennedy’s 1961 讲话 to the Canadian parliament where he famously said:

Geography has made us neighbors; history has made us friends.

照片由杰 (Flickr的)
