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提交 二月 24, 2009 – 11:56 关于没有评论

Photo by hot rod homepage (flickr)Those of us who’ve made the move to Canada may already know this, 但 2008 Expat Experience survey ç”± 汇丰国际银行 发现 “Canada is the friendliest location for expats.”

Nearly all survey respondents reported that they were able to make friends easily in Canada. Following Canada as numbers 2 和 3 on the friendliness scale were Germany and Australia.

The survey also found that more than half of expats who move to Canada buy property 那里, 和 20 percent are committed enough to life in Canada that they eventually 申请加拿大公民身份.

What are some of the factors drawing expats to Canada? 根据 Forbes.com, there are many:

对于美国人, traveling abroad to start over is becoming increasingly common. 美国拥有这一切: 良好的就业机会, booming economy, skyrocketing stock market and plentiful housing. What a difference a year can make. The boom has gone bust and people are now heading for the exits en massewith an eye abroad.

It’s no wonder they likely find Canada so welcoming. It has an accessible language, diverse culture and low levels of government corruption, 帕特里夏·林德曼说, editor of Tales from a Small Planet, an online newsletter for expats.

它也有其他外籍人士. This is important, 林德曼说:, since even the most gracious locals already have busy, established lives and can be unwilling to put in the effort to befriend someone they know could leave within several years.

Linderman says other expats are important because they share similar needs like making friends and adjusting to life in a new country. They also understand the frustrations daily life brings.

Photo by hot rod homepage (Flickrçš„)
