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提交 三月 11, 2009 – 11:11 关于没有评论

Photo courtesy of Taverne CrescentWith everyone watching their pennies these days, a Montreal restaurant has come up with a creative approach to bringing in business — çš„ Pay What You Wantlunch.

é—´ 11 am and 3 下午, 周一至周五, Taverne的新月 (1433 新月街, 这样的. 514/845.1888) is letting its customers decide what their lunches are worth. 顾客选择自己吃饭 从每天的固定菜单, and when they’re done, 他们付出他们喜欢什么.

We’re waiting to see what other creative strategies restaurants across Canada are taking to keep people dining out. 在此期间,, you can read more about Taverne Crescent’s idea at www.hour.ca.

Photo courtesy of Taverne Crescent
