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温哥华: “Supermodel of North American cities

提交 三月 13, 2009 – 1:23 下午没有评论

Photo ©Carolyn B. Heller最 Vancouverites are used to the press gushing over their city. 毕竟, if you spend even a brief time in Vancouverparticularly on a mild summer day when the entire city seems to be lounging at the beach or hanging out in a cafeyou’ll see that it’s a beautiful place.

当然, 就像任何一个大城市, Vancouver is not without its problems. 然而,作为 城市老沈举办 2010 冬季奥运会 明年二月, the press gushing seems to be intensifying.

SmarterTravel.com already named Vancouver one of the top five目的地最值得关注的 2009,” 最近更 this article from 今日美国 dubbed Vancouverthe supermodel of North American cities.

We assume they’re referring to Vancouver’s dramatic natural setting, rather than its perpetually fleece- å’Œ yoga pant- clad 人口 (右, 蒙特利尔人?).

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒
