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提交 四月 14, 2009 – 8:27 关于没有评论

Photo ©Carolyn B. HellerWith prospective travelers everywhere cutting back on, or delaying, their vacation plans, British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley is feeling the pinch. 该 加拿大广播公司 本周报道说, summer bookings are way down for travel to B.C.’s wine country.

But if you’ve been considering an Okanagan visit, è¿™ spring is a great time 去.

不仅该地区举办 popular spring wine festival — 今年, 从4月 30 through May 9 — but with fewer tourists on the road, hotels may be more willing to cut you a deal.

该 British Columbia Wine Institute’s website é²¹ useful tips for planning a wine-tasting trip 通过那根. 不列颠哥伦比亚省旅游 is also a good starting point for information about Okanagan travel.

And if you’re thinking about a more permanent visit to the Okanagan, either to relocate or to buy a vacation home, get information about the region’s real estate market 从 那根主线房产局 或 南那根房产局.

图片©卡罗琳乙. 海勒
