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公元前. 是环保省, 但所有可以做的更好

提交 四月 22, 2009 – 11:30 关于没有评论

earthday为了纪念 世界地球日, 企业骑士 杂志 已发布 report card measuring thegreen ratingfor each of Canada’s provinces and territories.

British Columbia ranked highest with a score of 69% — a C+. Ontario was in second place 在 67%, å’Œ 西北地区排在第三位 在 66%.

但最好的成绩C 的, even these high-ranking locations have plenty of room for improvement.

据 CBC新闻报道 在研究, 公元前. scored particularly well in green jobs, green buildings, 有机食品, and energy efficiency.

The rankings for the other regions were: 育空 57%, 努纳武特地区 56%, 艾伯塔 55%, 新斯科舍省 53%, 和萨斯喀彻温省 50%. Several provinces receivingfailinggrades, including Quebec 49%, 马尼托巴 46%, 新不伦瑞克省 40%, 纽芬兰及拉布拉多 38%, and Prince Edward Island at 32%.

The provinces were scored on ten categoriesAir, 水, 生物多样性, 人, 建筑, 交通运输, 食品, 废物, 能源, and Toxicsworth ten points each.

你可以 read the full analysis, with an explanation of each category considered, 在这 企业骑士 special report.

Photo by aussiegall (Flickrçš„)
