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提交 五月 4, 2009 – 8:34 关于没有评论

MaleCoupleOver at the Confabulous blog, writer Sabine Hikel offers up an interesting perspective on living in a country where same-sex marriage is legal.

Same-sex marriage has been legal across Canada since 2005, and Hikel wanted to share Canada’s experience with her American neighbors. The trouble is, 她写道:,

在, except, when I was thinking about this, I really didn’t know what to say. You know why? Because HELLFIRE AND BRIMSTONE was not visited upon our nation when same-sex marriage law was ushered in. 事实上, almost nothing happened–except a bunch of people who loved each other and wanted to get hitched went and got hitched.

Read the rest of this thought-provoking commentary — “American Homophobia from a Canadian perspective” — 在 Confabulous.ca.

Photo by iwona_kellie (Flickrçš„)
