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提交 五月 11, 2009 – 8:14 关于没有评论

Osoyoos LakeMany people who relocate to Canada end up in one of the cities, 与 多伦多, 温哥华, 蒙特利尔, 和 卡尔加里 drawing the largest number of expats.

但 whether you’re looking for a place to settle, or simply an undiscovered destination to explore, 看看这个 “福布斯”旅行者 article on少有人走加拿大 温哥华作家 黛安·塞尔柯克.

From British Columbia’s wine country — çš„ 奥肯那根河谷 — 到 Acadian communities in Nova Scotia, 加拿大 has more than three million square miles to discover.

And interestingly, two of the people Selkirk interviewed for her article relocated to Canada from the U.S.: 迈克尔·塔瓦雷斯, former Bostonian and now co-owner of the MacKinnon-Cann Inn 在雅茅斯, 新斯科舍省, 和 斯蒂芬Cipes, 谁从纽约搬到了那根成立 夏丘金字塔酒庄.

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