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住在加拿大…an experience that permanently changes most American expats

提交 六月 8, 2009 – 7:46 关于没有评论

Permanent resident cardDespite its rather inflammatory title, 危险! A Nation of Socialists Lurks Just Across Our Border!, 这片由 曼恩法案 在 赫芬顿邮报 actually contains some thoughtful commentary about the experiences of Americans living in Canada.

“住在加拿大,” he writes, “is an experience that permanently changes most American expats.

Comparing life in the United States versus Canada, 他说:, “There are significant differences in our two countries, å’Œ there’s a whole lot we can learn from our more civilized and less materialistic northern neighbors.”


你学会了一个重要的事情还有的是, a bit of socialism, properly applied, benefits everyoneand makes for a better society. å’Œ in the current health-care debate, we could learn a lot from our closest neighbors, 虽然, 照常, we probably won’t.

(It’s also sure as hell nice to live in a safe place without handguns. But we’ll save that for another day).

具有讽刺意味的, 就在本周难有进入中美. 来自加拿大. 护照或增强I.D. 现在需要.

That’s absurd. If anything, 它应该是周围的其他方法. 毕竟, WE’RE the loud, gun-owning types living downstairs who could know or care less about their neighbors. And who don’t have medical insurance….

阅读整个 文章在 赫芬顿邮报.

